Friday, December 12, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Lighting Techniques! :D

Monday, December 1, 2008
Greek Myths: Persephone
I had my freind Taylor dress up in a white robe because Persephone was always portrayed with a white robe in greek myths. She was known as the "White armed" so i had her wear white sleeves. The handcuffs symbolize her permanant hold on the underworld and the pomegranet obviously symbolizes the story line. The bricks in back are grungy looking to give it a dark feel and it looks like it is expanding to symbolize she is forever wrapped around in shadow of the underworld. All in all i like this photo but i should have done some dodging and burning to make it a little stronger.

Monday, November 17, 2008
my 4 series

Down and out (model: Taylor Worth)
This is one of my major downfalls, i do well of hiding it, Pessimism. I have an extreme amount of negativity on many different subjects and I always seem to find myself seeing the glass half empty instead of full. It seems to me that nothing is ever good enough. I am optimistic about other people but when it comes to myself I have a lack of positive energy. I can make anyone feel better but i only make myself feel worse about situations. I showed the symbolism with stairs. I tried to think of things that would be an outside-of-the-box way to show my negative side. I automatically thought of negativity as down then i had an epiphany... Stairs go down! so I used the stairs as a way to show my downer side to things. Another ironic thing is that... stairs also go up, so it shows that my direction of thinking automatically thinks down. I showed my glass-half-empty thoughts by positioning Taylor downward on the steps.... (THANK YOU TAY I KNOW YOU WERE IN PAIN!) I told her to give herself a hopeless and pained expression to show off my theme.. the pained part was not hard at all (haha) The dress shows her more feminine side and shows more vunerability. The way she is positioned shows that there is a long way to fall before she can get back on her feet, pessimism, once in the habit, is hard to get back up, so by showing her in a hard position to get out of shows what kind of a predicament i find myself in far too much. I like the way the lighting is cast, with her tactfully in shadows showing off her cynical mind set, and the upper part of the stairs lightened, almost showing salvation. It has good composition with her feet leading you down (another symbolic negative) to her face. This is a very strong picture (in my opinion).

precariousness (Model:Mitchell Noll)
I tried to find an abstract yet still understandable way to show the theme of this picture. One of my biggest problems is Insecurity. I thought about how many times i looked in the mirror a day and gave myself mental make overs that would cost millions of dollars. Mirrors are obvious so I didnt even let that enter my head. I thought for something deeper and thought of when I (and everyone else) analyzed themselves the most. The bathroom was an obvious blace because that is where the mirror is always located. With one final brainstorm I figured out that showertime was the most obvious for picking yourself apart, when you are alone to make contorted and discusted faces at yourself. I used my parent's shower as the location because of the glass, it distorts things and reflects lights nicely as well. I had him stand in the shower and look out obviously disgruntled. The glass distorting his body is symbolic for what he sees. I put a light in back of him to contrast the shadows more to show the human figure off as something everyone worries about. I angled the camera down to show that he's looking down on himself. Compositionally the peice is strong because it drags your eye from the bottom left corner to the top of the picture. I also really like this picture :]

Friday, October 17, 2008
Yellow wallpaper

Thursday, October 2, 2008
My official attractive repulsive!

Ironically enough i call this "sunshine" normally when people see sunflowers they are bright and happy and super yellow. No one ever shows the downfall of the giant flowers. Sunshine is to catch the irony and contradiction that everyone misses and forgets about. It shows the meloncholy side to everything. Although sunflowers in their fullest are beautiful and make people smile, when they die they become very sad lookng and completely opposite of what they once were. The contrast in moods it brings about with mere state changes is a perfect way to show the good and bad side to everything in life. It looked so sad when i was setting this picture up, the head was dragged downward and there were weeds choking out it's leaves, depriving it of sunlight. It seemed the perfect oppurtunity to snap a picture!
The first thing i did to this picture is darken it a bit and pull out more contrast, it was a very dull and almost foggy looking picture. I then switched the color balance pulling out blues, reds and a bit of green. I put a second, less saturated layer and placed it over the top to give it a washed out look, i erased the flower from the second layer so i would stand out more among the duller color. I gave more reds and yellows to the flower and gave it a little more saturation.
There is strong composition in this picture due to the intense focal point. The veiwer's eye starts at the top of the flower where the extreme white sky and dark flower meet. The flower's outline drags the eye down and curves around the page in a "c" form. There is good unity within the flower and leaves because there is green in both parts. Balance is a good component as well, there is an equal distribution in objects around the picture.
All in all I found this piece quite successfull. I really like the colors, message and components used to make "sunshine" I love the veiw because it's just a little different than what people would normally take. I really like the colors as well!
SO!! there ya have it! my attractive repulsive pictures!!
yay! thanks for looking and I hope you enjoyed them! :]
Monday, September 29, 2008
Attrtactive and repulsive

Friday, September 26, 2008
This montage goes along with my first following the same idea of corruption in growing up, but i used different symbols like money and bullets. Things that, whether we believe it or not, shape our values and beliefs I used m brother once again as the main focus of innocence and used the same picture to emphasise the motif of the montages. The ripped paper on the sides shows the irregularity of growing up and obviously the money and bullets show the corrupt side of things.
The focal point is on the rule of thirds and it leads the eye downward toward the money. there is balance and unity in the piece and good composition and color.
Thursday, September 25, 2008