Thursday, October 2, 2008

My official attractive repulsive!

Alrightttt i got all my pictures done and i even tweaked the last one! sooo here goes! :::

Attractive 1:

Sooo here's my first attractive, I call it "bliss"

I know it was my first repulsive but i just wasnt satisfied with the colors and everything, it just didnt fit... I wanted the leaves to be bright green even against the dark and icky dead leaves, it shows life during the time of death among plants, and i kinda like the symbolism plays off, it can be used greatly in today's life and just for nature's workings. I saw this as a much more successful piece when it had vibrant colors!

I think this picture has great contrast of colors with the green and deep purple, it really catches the eye and keeps the veiwer's attention. Also the composition is well layed out drawing the eyes to the big flower first (which is so conveniantly on the rule of thirds) and then drawing it down ward with the trallice. After the eye hits the ground it goes to the next flower and follows the vine up. It is perfect! It also has good unity, there is purple incorporated in the ground and dead leaves and there is green throughout the piece for balance.

Obviously at first it was just a normal picture and was quickly changed to the dead icky colors that I have up on my blog now, (which i will leave up to show what the wonders of photoshop are) I tweaked the color balance... ALOT and changed the hue and saturation on the flower. I really upped the greens and blues and cyans to enhance the earthy and vibrant effect but also made sure to have reds and purples to create a more life like and united peice.

Personally I realllllyyy like it and the colors just make me smile big, :]

Attractive 2:

I'm not sure how I've come up with the name but what kinda stuck was the title "Breathe"

To me this picture reminds me of the song "breathe" by Anna Nalick. I think because it's something that was once living and seems to have nothing left in it, and i want it to have hope, even though its a branch..... It just symbolizes hope and that just keep on breathing and everything will work out, we are never given more than we can handle. It creates a very calm and peacefull mood and that's why this strikes me as attractive, the green foliage in the background puts people to ease and the sharp detail of the branch keeps them focused. I think that it really has alot of symbolism behind it and it's more of an abstract thought, but it's why the title is so different, so that people can see past "the branch" and see the deeper meaning.

I decided to go past the artificial and into the natural and try something more down the earth, literally! I burned the picture in the areas that were really light and pulled out more detail using burning and contrast. I really really like the detail on this picture and the composition is very strong. The focal point is at the area where the leaf appears to be stuck on the inside of the branch and it points your eyes to the left hand nub of the branch. then leads your eyes down the branch, giving the eyes full veiw of the picture. There is good unity in the peice because there is a balanced amount of green on both sides and also reflected onto the branch. There is good balance as well becaus of the equally distributed green.

I really like this piece because of the deep meaning to it and the detail on the branch, it really creates alot of appeal to the picture!

Repulsive 1:

"Unmoving" I actually like it alot, there is alot of detail to the picture, and it is quite icky looking!

This is actually a reallllyyy old head stone from the mid-1800's held up with a wrought iron support. Instead of taking a picture of a typical headstone i took the picture of the back and top.

The title itself is pretty easy to understand, unmoving, like this gravestone. It has been there since the mid-1800's and it's still there and solid. Everything is unmoving, and its just showing what time can and cant do.

The composition of this peice is simple, at the top there is a yellow leaf next the the support and the veiwer looks there first. The support brings the eye down to the bottom showing the whole peice There is obvious unity and balance as there are yellows and greys included everywhere within the stone.

Repulsive 2:

Ironically enough i call this "sunshine" normally when people see sunflowers they are bright and happy and super yellow. No one ever shows the downfall of the giant flowers. Sunshine is to catch the irony and contradiction that everyone misses and forgets about. It shows the meloncholy side to everything. Although sunflowers in their fullest are beautiful and make people smile, when they die they become very sad lookng and completely opposite of what they once were. The contrast in moods it brings about with mere state changes is a perfect way to show the good and bad side to everything in life. It looked so sad when i was setting this picture up, the head was dragged downward and there were weeds choking out it's leaves, depriving it of sunlight. It seemed the perfect oppurtunity to snap a picture!

The first thing i did to this picture is darken it a bit and pull out more contrast, it was a very dull and almost foggy looking picture. I then switched the color balance pulling out blues, reds and a bit of green. I put a second, less saturated layer and placed it over the top to give it a washed out look, i erased the flower from the second layer so i would stand out more among the duller color. I gave more reds and yellows to the flower and gave it a little more saturation.

There is strong composition in this picture due to the intense focal point. The veiwer's eye starts at the top of the flower where the extreme white sky and dark flower meet. The flower's outline drags the eye down and curves around the page in a "c" form. There is good unity within the flower and leaves because there is green in both parts. Balance is a good component as well, there is an equal distribution in objects around the picture.

All in all I found this piece quite successfull. I really like the colors, message and components used to make "sunshine" I love the veiw because it's just a little different than what people would normally take. I really like the colors as well!

SO!! there ya have it! my attractive repulsive pictures!!

yay! thanks for looking and I hope you enjoyed them! :]

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